Cheng-An Yang Passionate about Science and Technology


Smiley face

I am a System & Software Engineer at Qualcomm working on algorithm design, performance analysis and optimization for wireless communications.

Before joining Qualcomm, I got my PhD in Electrical Engineering from UCLA. I got my master degree from Chalmers in Sweden.

Things that I like

I am passionate about science and technology. I love math, I enjoy coding and I am a big fan of classical music. Doing these things makes me really happy.


I love math. My favorite branch is mathematical analysis. I am fascinated about topics in topological space, real analysis, probability, statistics and optimization.


Coming from the Matlab/C background1, I am really excited about Julia: a high-level dynamic language with C-ish performance. I can quickly prototype a complicated algorithm and get very good performance. I use Julia both in my research works and my teaching2.


I love classical music, from Baroque to Romantic. My favorite composers are Bach, Chopin, Rachmaninoff and Scriabin.


Have questions or suggestions? Feel free to send me an email!

  1. I was a lecturer of the UCLA HSSEAS Matlab Workshop. You can download my slides and handout on my Github: Matlab Graphics.

  2. I taught an Applied Numerical Computing course in UCLA using Julia. You can download my IJulia notebook on my Github.